Styles of Yoga: Gentle
Most newcomers to yoga may know that it is an ancient practice, but might not be aware that yoga comes in a wide variety of styles and flavors. The traditions date back at least as far as Patanjali, the author of the Yoga Sutras, in 400 BC. As with any ancient tradition, it has evolved, grown, and spawned numerous forms over the years.
Participants in Kimi Hugli’s yoga classes will find a selection of styles that fit the various needs of modern practitioners, including:
Each class also includes a short meditation before and after. As Kimi says, five minutes of meditation at the beginning can help you to “let go of all the things outside the room and outside this moment and come into yourself. Focus on your breath… take those first few minutes to really let go of all the busy-ness that we have in our lives, to just be present and to really feel what the body might need.” Likewise, a few minutes of meditation at the end of the class helps your body to integrate all the relaxation and good feelings that yoga has inspired.
Gentle Yoga, is well, gentle. It’s like a basic stretch class with meditation. Gentle yoga is for those who are just beginning their yoga practice or those who feel they need a little more gentle stretch in their life.
Gentle Yoga is practiced at a slower pace, the asanas (poses) are held longer, the body is well-supported, and the class is quieter and more meditative. Relaxation is developed through focus on the breath and various props may be used to support the body.
I was originally sort of tossed into teaching gentle yoga, but after my first couple classes, I really really enjoyed teaching them. There was room to breathe, not that there isn’t in other styles of yoga, but I felt like it’s what everybody and every body needs more of. I have a very busy mind and most of the time a very busy body, so taking it slow and taking time to really feel the poses and slow down the mind was much needed for me, but also my students.